Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Health Philosophy

            I will be graduating at the end of this semester with a Bachelor of Health Science with an emphasis in Public Health. I am fascinated by the epidemiological side of health care. I am also interested in international health. So… you may ask how I got to be this way. If you have a few minutes I will tell you.
            When I was almost five years old my youngest sister was born extremely premature. The doctors didn't expect her to survive the night. Thankfully, through the hard work of the NICU nurses and our fervent prayers, she made it through night after night. She is now 23 years old and has been in and out the hospital a lot throughout those years. But she is a joyful young lady. I was inspired but the hard work of the many health care professionals that have served us these many years. One of the reasons I wanted to be in health care was to help others like the hospital staff helped my sister.
            However, with all the medical costs both of my parents had to work, and being the oldest boy, it was my responsibility to take care of my sister. During that time I discovered that I enjoyed helping people. I also developed a great love for those with disabilities and I have had the opportunity to help people with disabilities throughout my life.
            I was influenced by the T.V. show M.A.S.H. For several years I wanted to be an army doctor. It sounded exciting. I was also deeply touched by the movie Patch Adams. I loved the idea of treating people instead of treating the disease. This was a principle I focused on when I worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at a nursing home in my home town. I worked there for a year and half before I went to college. I loved my time there, while some of the other CNAs would rush through their tasks, I would take my time. I would help the residents feel like that small room they lived in was their home. I did my best to care for them, not just treat their illnesses. It was a great time.
            As I attended my classes, I found that I loved topics like nutrition, epidemiology, microbiology and international health. I discovered a more holistic view of health care.

          Prevention is key, we need to help people before they get sick, and sadly most insurance companies don’t pay for preventive medicine. I also realized that physicians in general only cared about their patient’s physical wellness. As long as you are not sick, they do not care about you. Also I started feeling like the cost of health care was extremely overpriced. Much of that could be the fact that most physicians have to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to become a physician. Therefore, they need to make a lot of money to pay off those loans, and that money comes from their patients. So I decided to work more on the community side of health care. I also desire to do humanitarian aid in developing countries. I am shocked about the simple modern conveniences that we take for granted every day. There are so many people that don’t even have clean water to drink and enough to eat. In general, I want to make the world a better place.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


    We are a thrifty family. We make our own laundry soap and lip balm. I have constructed the majority of our furniture (more on that in future posts). So of course we have a garden this year. The university we are attending has a wonderful student run activities program. One of those programs offers students a 15x15 garden plot of just $10 for the whole year.
    We participated in this program two years ago (2012), however we were inexperienced and I was working 20 hrs/week. We went to Walmart and spent around $60 on plants. Then we dug up our ground and planted everything in nice rows with water ditches in between. Sadly we had late frosts that year, and the more tender plants froze. We tried to weed and care for our plants, but with going to school full-time and working part time I just did not have the energy to spend much time out there. It is also located about a mile from our home, so we can't just go out and weed in our spare time. As the semester wore on our garden got out of control and we gave up. We ended up with a few herbs and a ton of weeds. I was discouraged and felt like I had a black thumb.
    So when my wife asked me if I wanted to have a garden this years I initially said no. However I realized after a bit that she really wanted to have a garden, and I just shattered her dreams of being a gardener. I quickly apologized and purchased the plot. This year (2014) was going to be better. We started doing research. Well... my wonderful wife did most of the research. She learned everything she could about square foot gardening and even enrolled in a Gardening class on campus. Under her watchful care we got fertilizer, peat moss, top soil, and lots of seeds. We prepared our soil, divided the plot into sections with plenty of room in the walk ways.

This is just an example of how Square foot gardening works. It is not what we planted.

    For the first month we would spend 3-4 hours every Saturday weeding and planting. We used plant food every other week. We used dish soap to keep the bugs away. It was a lot work. And just like in the parable of the wheat and the tares, (Matthew 13: 24-30) some weeks we could not tell the difference between the young plants and the weeds. So we just let them grow until they were stronger and distinguishable from the weeds. I got sunburned a few times, but it was worth it. We had a wonderful harvest. We got carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, peas, green beans, onions, lettuce, dill, basil, zucchini, summer squash, spaghetti squash, and pumpkins. All from a 15x15 plot of dirt.

    Sadly many of the plots around us look like ours did in 2012. But we have learned the law of the harvest. We have so much produce. When we get a house, we will make sure to set up a small garden in the back yard. Spending time with dirt can be very soothing, and it will teach our future children important life lessons.

Monday, September 1, 2014


I am a Hermit of sorts. I had Facebook for a few years, but I ended up deleting my profile because I was tried of all the drama going around. I never understood the social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Myspace. Why in the world would I want to give a play by play of my life to people I don't know? And why would I want to read about some random friend/co-worker/class mate's life. I do have a pinterest, but that is for organizing my projects and interests. While it seems like the human race no longer has secrets, I like to have my privacy. However, having a world wide community makes it possible for a small town boy like me to reach people around the world. Therefore, my wife and I will begin blogging, "For a better tomorrow". So look out world. Here are my two bits.